Month: October 2022

Reading | Learn task 2

UV index levels 

1 – 2 (low no protection required) You can safely play outside.

3 – 5 (Moderate Protection required) When spending a lot of time playing in the sun protection is required especially if you have fair skin.

6 -7  (High Protection essential) When the UV index is high you need to slip, slop, slap and wrap.

8 – 10 (Very high Seek Shade) When the UV index is very high you need to slip, slop, slap and wrap.

11+ (Extreme Reschedule outdoor activities for morning and evening) When the level is extreme you need full protection essential.

Reading | Learn Task |

Why do the UV rays of the sun change during the day?
Because of the sun setting at different times of the day.
What are the times when the uv rays of the sun are most dangerous in NZ?
It is dangerous during daylight saving times.
What affects UV radiation?
UV radiation is affected by the time of day, year, cloud cover, and altitude.
What is the UVNZ app?
The app provides forecasts of the UVI at various locations throughout Aotearoa
What different types of radiation does the sun send out?
Radiation is one way to transfer heat and visible light.

What is UVB and UVA and UVC?
UVA rays have the longest wavelengths, followed by UVB, and UVC rays which have the shortest wavelengths. While UVA and UVB rays are transmitted through the atmosphere, all UVC and some UVB rays are absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer.
Which is the most dangerous and why?
Short wavelength UVC is the most damaging type of UV radiation. However, it is completely filtered by the atmosphere and does not reach the earth’s surface.

Is UV exposure good for our health?
UV exposure can cause sunburn and increases the risk of potentially blinding eye diseases, if eye protection is not used. It can cause melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.
What happens when you have too little UV exposure?
Having little UV exposure can lead to Vitamin D deficiency.